Dear customer, if you wish to book an appointment for a time within the next few hours, for example, two to three hours from now, we kindly ask you to call us directly at Tell:+39 3663657891 to make the booking. Booking via phone allows for quicker confirmation of the availability of your preferred time slot. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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professional beautician's, we have 6 professional Chinese and Italian cosmetologists to serve you and you can choose your favorite beautician, Here you can get a variety of beauty services such as nail beauty, face washing, massage, Remove Your Pesky Body Hair, eyelash extension, Semi permanent eyebrow tattoo...
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Mulan Nails Spa in Torino
Centro Estetica Cinese - Ricostruzione Unghie - Manicure - Pedicure - Epilazione - Massaggi corpo (solo per donne) o Massaggio Plantare ( per donne o uomo ) e estetica Sopracciglia tatuate
Via Luigi Cibrario 10/D, 10143 Torino
Cell. 3663657891
Tell: 011-484321
ORARI APERTURA: Lunedì - Sabato Dalle 9:00 alle 20:30
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